Access Keys:

St Colmans National School, Bellview, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath


Here in St. Colman's, we encourage healthy eating habits. To this end we have banned crisps, sweets, chocolate bars, peanuts and biscuits from the lunch box and we encourage you to provide healthy eating options such as

  • Sandwiches
  • Fruit
  • Yoghurt
  • Plain Confectionary
  • Small Crackers and Cheese
  • Milk/Fruit Drinks/Milk Shakes

Childrens diet has a significant impact on the childs overall well being. Good eating habits established from a young age will stand your child in good stead during all stages of his/her development.

We urge parents to be mindful of the contents of the 'lunch box' along with the schools policy on healthy lunches and to encourage your child to eat a healthy well balanced diet both in and out of school