February Fun!
It has been a busy February in Mrs Deane's classroom. We began by learning how to make our own St. Brigid's crosses to mark her special feast day. It was a bit tricky at the beginning but we soon got the hang of it!
We had a board games afternoon organised by the students' council which was great fun. The children learned lots of new games to play while interacting with their peers.
We have been learning lots of new basketball skills in P.E class and we have been learning all about measuring in Maths.
Finally, one of our students was proudly presented with a gold certificate in Mathletics by Mr. Beehan. This entailed getting 1,000 points in the Mathletics programme each week over the course of 10 weeks. This student achieved 5 bronze and 5 silver certificates before finally reaching the Gold level! A well earned & deserved certificate!