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St Colmans National School, Bellview, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

Volcano Creations and Eruptions 🌋

22nd Jan 2024

Over the past week, our class have been working hard learning about volcanoes. Then, one of the days we decided to sculpt our own volcano. We started off by sculpting and figuring out which way worked and which way didn't. After finding the best way, we carefully took the volcano off the sculpting board and placed it onto cardboard. We then proceeded to let it dry for about 24 hours. Once the sculptures were dry, we realistically painted them using reds, yellows and oranges. We used other colours for the surrounding areas. The next day it was time for eruptions. We added 1 spoon of baking soda, some red food colouring and 1 small cup of vinegar to the crater. When the eruption happens, there is a chemical reaction between the baking soda and the vinegar producing salt, water and carbon dioxide that can be seen in the foam. We had a very good time learning about volcanoes!

Cian, 4th Class


We made volcanoes last Thursday the 18th from clay. We painted them the next day. Finally, we did an experiment. We put some baking soda and vinegar in to make it erupt. 

Aidan, 4th Class


Last week, we were learning about volcanoes and we decided to make volcanoes out of clay. First, we sculpted the volcano. Then we had to let it dry over night. The next day we painted them so that they looked realistic. We used red, orange, yellow, black, blue and green. When we finished painting, we had to let the paint dry for another night. When the volcano was dry, we put 1 teaspoon of baking soda and half a cup of vinegar in to make it erupt. Overall, I think that they were a success and that they looked beautiful. 

Elizabeth, 4th Class